I Will Teach You Jiu-Jitsu…
Because the word “No!” must be backed with more than hope.
Because through it you will learn science. We use techniques that science proves. We abandon those that science disproves.
Because through it you will learn to face the truth. The mat will never lie to you. It is brutal in its honesty.
Because not everyone who looks tough is tough. And not everyone who looks fragile is fragile. You will learn that people’s true character is deeper than appearances.
Because you will learn to embrace distress, conflict and pain. Most people obsess over their every discomfort. Most people have no capacity for hardship. Jiu-Jitsu is simulated killing. You will die thousands of times in your training.
Because through it you will learn to control your fear.
Because you will fail. And you will learn to cope with failure.
Because you will learn patience. You will learn that strategy, pressure, leverage, space and timing apply in all aspects of your life.
Because you will have to care for your body.
Because you will learn your gas tank is never completely empty. There is always more, if you can summon the will to find it.
Because by teaching you, you will teach me.
Because it is something you can never fully master.